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15 PhD positions with training program GRK 2504 „Novel antiviral approaches” (m/f/d)

Patient care at the highest level, excellent research and teaching as well as state-of-the-art medicine and diagnostics - that's us at Erlangen University Hospital! With over 9,600 highly qualified employees, we are one of the largest employers in Central Franconia and are constantly growing. Thanks to the scientific expertise and great commitment of our employees, we offer our patients unique and pioneering treatment options. This is how we guarantee medical progress. Find the perfect job with us that makes sense for you and others!
Your tasks:
Our research program aims to explore novel approaches for antiviral chemotherapy and immune intervention that build on recent developments in molecular virology and immunology. The individual research projects address antiviral small molecules (area A), immune cell-mediated antiviral effects (area B), and antibody-based approaches (area C). Altogether, we envision multimodal antiviral strategies that combine antiviral chemotherapy with immune-based interventions as the most promising path towards the control of persistent viruses.
For more information on the available projects see https://www.virologie.uk-erlangen.de/en/grk2504/research-projects/
Essential experience/ qualifications:
M.Sc. degree in virology, immunology, molecular medicine, biology, life sciences, biomedical sciences
excellent english skills
strong enthusiasm for the training program of GRK 2504
Additional advantages:
international experience is of advantage
Please provide a single PDF file (lastname_firstname.pdf) and include the documents described here https://www.virologie.uk-erlangen.de/en/grk2504/application/doctorates-i...
We offer:
All public service benefits, including supplementary benefits from the Federal and State Government Pension Fund (VBL)
A secure, interesting position as part of a motivated, open team
A thorough and qualified induction, and support in your new challenge
Pay grade is determined depending on qualifications and personal requirements according to TV-L
Further information:
PD Dr. Simone Reiprich
GRK Koordinatorin
Telefon: 09131 85-43650

Bewerbung an

Universitätsklinikum Erlangen
Virologisches Institut - Klinische und Molekulare Virologie - GRK 2504
Prof. Dr. Klaus Überla
Schlossgarten 4
91054 Erlangen

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15 PhD positions with training program GRK 2504 „Novel antiviral approaches” (m/f/d)

Universitätsklinikum Erlangen AöR
Vollzeit, Unbefristet

Veröffentlicht am 29.09.2024

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